Online Information Technology Training Resources |
Computer Education Techniques develops online and digital information technology resources for:
There are multiple ways to acquire knowledge and mastery of information technology subject matter which then can be applied to performing a specific task or used in conjunction with developing a skillset for meeting the requirement for employment.
Subject matter incorporates information from the CETi knowledge base.
The Computer Education Techniques business model is being transitioned to meet the new and emerging standards of the United States Department of Education and the New York State Department of Education.1 CETi information technology resources will be categorized to provide parallel and alternative ways of performing the course hour credit work by an accredited and degree granting academic institution. The digital content and ancillary services to meet these standards will be available at low cost.
The assumption is that federal and state governing bodies will be applying stringent regulation and oversight on the operation of for-profit colleges and trade schools with student tuitions funded by taxpayer-backed loans. Many students leave these colleges with both questionable educations and debt loads that cannot be erased in bankruptcy. It will be taxpayers and borrowers who will be responsible for the cost of these of regulatory failures. Moreover, there is scarcity of factual data on the quality of education students received from schools that have been closed such as the Corinthian and ITT.
The content urls will be distributed in the public domain; it selectively will be made available for review and use. CETi board of directors will be evaluating the feedback and quantitative data associated with the digital information technology subject matter from the initial pilot programs.
Computer Education Techniques develops information technology subject matter and resources for public library systems, non-profit public sector, computer trade schools, junior colleges, community colleges, and proprietary education companies.
The development and distribution of CETi online information technology subject matter and digital resources are based upon: 1- An independent pre-qualifying of the prospective trainee, employee, or student’s ability to learn and the motivation and discipline to use the resources. 2- Technical accuracy and clarity of the presentation of information technology subject matter. 3- Feedback to improve and refine the subject matter for performing a task and additional multi-tiered learning.
CETi’s target market and preference is to work with and through accredited academic institutions which provide their own quantitative and empirical pre and post valuation of the utilization of the training resources in teaching their own curriculum. Phd and master degree college faculty use and recommendation of CETi information technology resources is one of the ways we want to both improve and establish authenticity in the value of our work.
The plan is to design and perform the test marketing through state and local governments and established and highly regarded self-regulating institutions by offering digital content free of charge to public library systems. For example, the New York public library offers free computer courses. Reference cards and answers to common question also will be available. Representative examples of case studies and workshops such as scripting, form coding techniques, mobile website, and mobile web apps from SYS-ED and technology partner websites will be prototyped, referred to, and developed in exercises and case studies.
NBR: National Business Report - Report - Starbucks and Arizona State Education, reported by Jane Wells, NBR correspondent - June 2014. Corroborating source Wall Street Journal - Starbucks. |
New York Post |
Donald “Trump” tells Barclay chief to fight Schneiderman by Michael Gray, August 3, 2014. |
New York Times - Online |
Flunking Out, at a Price, by Gretchen Morgenson, July 12, 2014. |
A Tale of "Too Big to Fail" in Higher Education - City College of San Francisco Survives, by Kevin Carey, July 14, 2014. |
A Quandry Over Textbooks: Whether to Buy or Rent, by Ann Carrns, August 8, 2014. Corroborating source NEA Advocate Dialogue - The crazy cost of textbooks: are there less expensive alternatives for your students? |
Teaching is not a Business, by David L. Kirp, August 16, 2014. |
Web-Era Trade Schools, Feeding a Need for Code, by Tamar Lewin, October 13, 2014. |
As Coding Boot Camps Close, the Field Races a Reality Check, by Steve Lohr, August 24, 2017. |
A Problem for College in the Fall: Reluctant Professors, by Anemona Hartocollis, April 15, 2020. |
Colleges Won't Refund Tuition. Autumn May Force a Reckoning, by Ron Lieber, May 1, 2020. |
Why I'm Learning More with Distance Learning Than I Do in School, by Veronique Mintz, May 5, 2020. |
After Coronavirus, Colleges Worry: Will Students Come Back?, by Anemona Hartocollis, April 15, 2020, updated on May 12, 2020. |
I'm Teaching Into a Vacuume: 14 Educators on Quarantine Learning, by Julia Rothman and Shaina Feinberg, May 21, 2020. |
The Future of College is Online, and It's Cheaper, by Hans Taparia, Clinical Associate Professor at the New York University Stern School of Business, May 25, 2020. |
Strategy by Many Private Colleges Leaves Them Exposed, by Kevin Carey, May 26, 2020. |
The Only Way to Save Higher Education Is to Make it Free, by Claire Bond Potter, June 5, 2020. |
We Could be Feeling for the Next Decade: Virus Hits College Towns, by Shawn Hubler, June 28, 2020 - updated June 30, 2020. |
College Courses Online are Disappointing. Here's How to Fix Them., by Lisa Feldman Barrett, July 8, 2020. |
Microsoft Corporation - Edge web browser distribution |
Coronavirus: School Districts Try to Develop Reopening Plans Without State Guidance, Rockland/Westchester Journal News, July 6, 2020. |
Rutgers Says Most Fall Classes Will be Online, NBC New York, July 6, 2020. |
Public Broadcast System |
PBS: Public Broadcast System Report - "Ivory Tower" documentary - Andrew Rossi interview, by Jefrey Brown, June 2014. |
PBS: Public Broadcast System Report - "Purdue Invests in Students' Futures with New Model of Financing - Mitch Daniels interview, by Hari Sreenivasan, August 22, 2017. |
PBS Newshour, Unimpressed by Online Classes, College Students Seek Refunds, Education by Associated Press, May 4, 2020. |
PBS Newshour, What's Going to Happen at Colleges this Fall? Here are 15 Scenarios, by Edward J. Maloney, Inside Higher Ed and Joshua Kim, Inside Higher Ed, May 20, 2020. |
Wall Street Journal |
Wall Street Journal - Factory Helps Gets Teens Get Diplomas, A New Path for School Dropouts by Jonathan House, August 2014. |
Schools Try to Stem 'Covid Slide' Learning Loss, Wall Street Journal, Life & Arts | Journal Reports: Coronvirus by Yoree Koh, May 7, 2020. |