Schreiber Foods, Inc.
June 29, 1989
Mr. David Silverberg
35 West 35th Street
New York, NY 10001
Dear Dave,
Thank you for an excellent CICS Design and Debugging class. I was quite amused the day after the class when the programmers with CICS dumps were the envy of the department.
The course evaluations emphasized my feelings, and those of the staff, the course was excellent.
When you revise the dump reading section of the manual, please send us a copy. Almost daily I'm asked if I've received a dump reading guide from you.
When I called SYS-ED references prior to the class, one person said if we use SYS-ED for training we would not be disappointed; now I know it is true.
Thank you again and good luck on your search for a LAN nanny.
Cordially yours,
(Signature on file)