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Distance-learning - Linux/UNIX Environment: C Programming


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IT Training Services


Linux/UNIX Environment: C Programming
DURATION: 5 days

FEE: $2,475

Based upon a class size of six students.

Scheduling can be adjusted to employee work hours and incorporate client assignments.

There is a surcharge associated with training two or fewer students.


  • Programmer
  • System Analyst
  • IT Professional


    1. Overview
      • Examine the structure of a C program; compile, link, and execute the program.
      • Determine the version of UNIX and its associated tools.
    2. Data Representation
      • Enter, compile and run the following program:
        {int I;
        printf("\t Number \t\t Square of Number\n\n");
        for (i=0; i<=25;++i)
        printf("\t %d \t\t\t %d \n",I,i*i);
    3. Functions
      • Build a program where control passes from main to three different functions with 3 calls.
      • Create a while loop in main with the function calls inside it: 1- Ask for input at the beginning of the loop. 2- End the while loop if the user hits Q.
      • Add conditionals which will call the functions when the user enters numbers: 1 goes to function1, 2 goes to function 2, etc.
      • Have function1 call function a, which calls function b, which calls function c.
      • Draw a diagram of program flow, with arrows which indicate where control is to be transferred.
    4. Operators
      • Write a program that works out the largest and smallest values from a set of 10 inputted numbers.
    5. I/O
      • Write a program to copy one named file into another named file. The two file names are given as the first two arguments to the program.
    6. Programming Techniques
      • Write a program that prints the last n lines of a text file by "n"; the file name should be specified from command-line input.
      • By default n should be 5. However, the program requires an optional argument in order that the last -n file.txt prints out the last n lines, where n is any integer.
      • Ensure that the program makes efficient use of available storage.
    7. Assignment Statements
      • Given an input which is an integer number of seconds, print the output as the equivalent time in hours, minutes and seconds.
      • For example: 7322 seconds is equivalent to 2 hours 2 minutes 2 seconds.
    8. Conditional Flow
      • Write a program that prompts the user for a sentence and prints each word on its own line.
    9. Complex Data Structures
      • A binary tree is a tree structure with only two possible branches from each node. 1- Write a program which sorts a sequence of numbers using a binary tree with pointers. 2- Each branch then represents a false or true decision.
      • In order to sort numbers: 1- Assign the left branch to take numbers less than the node number. 2- Assign the right branch to any other number by taking a number greater than or less than the node number.
      • In order to obtain a sorted list, search the tree by depth first.
    10. Use of Preprocessor
      • Define a preprocessor macro swap(t, x, y) that will swap two arguments x and y of a given type t.
      • Define a preprocessor macro to select: 1- the least significant bit from an unsigned char. 2- the nth bit from an unsigned char; this assumes that the least significant bit is 0.
    11. Optimization
      • Write a program which reads two integer values.
      • 1- If the first is less than the second, print the message up. 2- If the second is less than the first, print the message down. 3- If the numbers are equal, print the message equal. 4- If there is an error reading the data, print a message containing the word Error and perform exit( 0 ).
      • The instructor will demonstrate how to utilize the ? operator.
    12. I/O Considerations
      • Write a C program which will emulate the ls -l UNIX command; the program will print all files in a current directory and list access privileges.
    13. Additional Topics
      • Implement a two-way pipe between parent and child processes in a C program; the pipe will be able to send and receive signals.

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Effective February 27, 2012, the course dates listed on the CETi schedules only will be available based upon approved and authorized user ID.

Copyright Acknowledgement: The software product(s) listed in this outline are owned and copyrighted by their respective companies. CETi makes no representation regarding ownership in any of the software products that we train on.

CETi courses are not intended for or open to the general public. They are intended for employees of Fortune 1000 companies, government municipalities, consulting companies, software, companies, healthcare providers. and mid-sized businesses. Individuals attending such courses will be required to execute a statement acknowledging that the employer will be paying for the CETi course and that the employer has a licensed version of the software.

Certain courses only should be taught by the source software company training company and open source purveyor.