Technology Driven IT Training Longstanding IT Technologists Computer Education Techniques
Distance-learning - Solaris: Fundamentals


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Professional Distance-learning

IT Training Services


Solaris: Fundamentals
DURATION: 4 days

FEE: $1,580

Based upon a class size of six students.

Scheduling can be adjusted to employee work hours and incorporate client assignments.

There is a surcharge associated with training two or fewer students.


  • Network Administrator
  • Support Personnel
  • Security Analyst
  • IT Professional


    1. Introduction
      • Log in and out of the Solaris and Common Desktop Environment.
      • Acquire proficiency with Solaris: 1- Compose command-line strings to perform functions. 2- Navigate the directory tree. 3- Manipulate text files. 4- Create files and directories. 5- Backup and restore user files and directories. 6- Change the permissions of files and directories.
      • Learn how to use the vi editor.
      • Identify and modify initialization files.
      • Use network commands.
    2. Commands and Utilities
      • Create and set permissions and run a script.
      • Given specifications from the instructor, code and run a simple script.
      • Pass arguments to the script coded previously.
      • Configure the environment for creating an alias.
    3. File and Directories
      • List the file systems and determine the free space and options.
      • Determine the file permission of a group of files.
      • Copy a file into a different directory and change the ownership of the file.
      • Create a list of files and redirect that output into a file.
      • Use the grep utility to search for all files in a directory.
      • Submit a background job.
    4. UNIX Commands
      • Run commands which perform file manipulation functions.
      • Use the cut command for extracting the data from a file.
      • Sort a file based on a specific field in the file, then perform ascending and descending sorts.
      • Compare two files and list the differences between the files.
    5. vi Text Editor
      • Edit a file using vi.
      • Using an existing file: 1- Change the data. 2- Insert lines. 3- Insert multiple lines. 4- Navigate the data by moving to the top, the bottom, a specific line or a search value. 5- Delete and change lines. 6- Move and update lines. 7- Save the file.
    6. Execution Environment
      • Change the profile for a user.
      • Change the profile file to set environment variables, aliases, and prompt for an individual userid.
      • Switch the user's shells.
      • Invoke the editing mode on the command-line.
    7. Shell Programming
      • Code scripts that accept arguments.
      • Code two scripts; a simple and more advanced script to perform calculations on passed arguments.
    8. CDE: Common Desktop Environnent
      • Invoke the CDE and use the utilities.
      • Invoke dtpad to edit files and use it as a substitute for vi.
      • Invoke and use the Solaris Management Console to examine the roles of users.
    9. Korn Shell Programming
      • Code and test several korn shell scripts to manipulate files and perform calculations.
      • Write a script that will echo the third parameter, if it is present.
      • Given a file of numbers, a single number per line, write a script that will find the lowest and highest number.
      • Write a script that will recognize if a word entered from the keyboard starts with an upper or lower case character or a digit.
    10. sed
      • Execute the sed utilities for searching and modifying existing files.
      • Code the utility using saved scripts.
      • Convert a DOS - MS Windows file to UNIX format.
    11. awk Programming
      • Use awk to perform file manipulation.
      • Create a column delimited file with the following fields: First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, and Campaign Contributions.
      • The records will need to meet the conditions for performing several exercises.
      • Enter the awk command that will print: 1- All the phone numbers. 2- Dan's phone number. 3- Susan's name and phone number. 4- All last names beginning with D. 5- All first names beginning with C or E. 6- All first names containing only four characters. 7- The first names of all those in the 916 area code. 8- Mike's campaign contributions preceded by a dollar sign ($). 9- Last names followed by a comma followed by the first name.

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Effective February 27, 2012, the course dates listed on the CETi schedules only will be available based upon approved and authorized user ID.

Copyright Acknowledgement: The software product(s) listed in this outline are owned and copyrighted by their respective companies. CETi makes no representation regarding ownership in any of the software products that we train on.

CETi courses are not intended for or open to the general public. They are intended for employees of Fortune 1000 companies, government municipalities, consulting companies, software, companies, healthcare providers. and mid-sized businesses. Individuals attending such courses will be required to execute a statement acknowledging that the employer will be paying for the CETi course and that the employer has a licensed version of the software.

Certain courses only should be taught by the source software company training company and open source purveyor.