Demonstrated Excellence - Mainframe Utilities and Development Tools

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Db2 Demonstrated Excellence


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SYS-ED Db2 Platform Training Service

SYS-ED has an international reputation for excellence in cross platform Db2 / DB2 training: industry standard courses, specialized training, and training programs.

Db2 for Application Programmers Db2: Performance, Design, and Implementation
ISBN 0-13-199795-5 ISBN 0-07-057553-3
Pacifico Amarga Lim David Silverberg
CETi and SYS-ED Brand Training in the IBM Mainframe Environment
SYS-ED Training Services and IBM Mainframe Environment

There is no NRV: Nationally Recognized Vendor in Db2 and the IBM mainframe environment. There also is a scarcity of up to date Db2 textbooks in interrelated areas of information technology: open source software, web servers, cloud computing, and Big Data. CETi develops its own courseware for teaching.

IBM has been rebranding DB2 to Db2.

Premium Training Service

Student Course Evaluations

Courseware for Teaching

Distance-learning Training Service - Mainframe Utilities and Development ToolsDistance-learning Training Service - Mainframe Utilities and Development Tools
Db2 Fundamentals
Db2 Database Design
Db2 Programming
Db2 and Java
Db2 Administration
Db2 System Performance
Db2 Multi and Cross Platform Training
Mainframe Legacy Programming Languages
Mainframe Utilities and Development Tools
Linux Operating System
Java Development Platform and Language
  Db2 Courseware  

Instructional Design
Open Source Moodle Extended New York State Department of Education Standards
Machine-learning Quality Control Sequential Presentation
Performance Objectives Workshop Objectives
Summary Summary
Digital Content Multi-tiered Exercises

Db2 Training Programs
IBM Mainframe Environment - Training Programs Db2 for Java Programmers
Db2 COBOL Application Development Db2 Database Administration

Specialized Training and Research:
IBM Db2 and Hybrid Platforms
Db2 Operational Implementation and Application Development Db2 Delivering Temporal and Versioned Data
Db2 Data Mining and BI Application Development IBM MQ - IBM and Alternative Development Platforms
Big Data Apache Hadoop - Big Data and Scalable Databases

ml: Machine-learning Applied - 2012 - 202X

IBM Db2 Database
Pre 2012
DB2 UDB System Performance
DB2 Connect
DB2 UDB Administration
DB2 UDB System Performance
DB2 UDB Administration
DB2 UDB Application Programming
DB2 Stored Procedures
DB2 Database Design
DB2 Database Design
DB2 Overview for Java Developers
DB2 for Java Developers
DB2 Database Design
DB2 Advanced SQL for Java Developers
DB2 Overview for Java Developers
DB2 SQL for Java Developers
DB2 Administration for z/OS
DB2 SQL - Advanced for Java Developers
DB2 UDB Application Programming
DB2 UDB Application Programming Advanced
DB2 Overview for Java Developers
DB2 SQL for Java Developers
DB2 Advanced SQL for Java Developers
DB2 and WebSphere MQ
DB2 Overview for Java Developers
DB2 for Java Developers
DB2 UDB Application Programming
DB2 Advanced SQL for Java Developers
DB2 Overview for Java Developers
DB2 for Java Developers
DB2 Advanced SQL for Java Developers
File-AID for DB2
DB2 Features and Implementation