Acquisition and consolidation has occurred.
CA Technologies Software - Training by SYS-ED |
Performance and Workshop Objectives |
Best Practices and Guidelines |
- Define a dataset. | Print a report. | Specify a title and column heading.
- Extract records. | Perform simple calculations. | Create a workarea field. | Use a simple IF and assignment statement.
- Use the PERFORM statement to check for valid data. | Code a case statement. | Output a subset of a record to an output dataset.
- Break processing. | Calculations at Break processing.
- Sort a dataset. | Process a sorted dataset.
- Sequentially access a VSAM KSDS. | Randomly access a VSAM KSDS.
- Code custom record layouts for data to be used in reporting.
- Use existing COBOL record layouts for conversion into CA-VISION:Results.
- Format data as CSV: Comma Separated Values or XML document files.
- Create datasets for download to the UNIX or MS Windows environments.
- Merge two or more files.
CA-Easytrieve Plus Programming |
- Create data definitions for several datasets.
- Print a simple report.
- Sort the data and print a report.
- Extract data and produce a new dataset.
- Merge multiple datasets.
- Produce detail reports and a Summary Report.
- Verify data by producing an Edit Report.
- Read and write VSAM data.
- Create sub-files from a master file and merge multiple datasets.
- Work with the different datatypes and generate test data.
- Code structured and maintainable code.
- Ensure that data is sorted properly for processing.
- Perform extensive data editing.
- Code the layout for optimal maintenance.
CA-Endevor SCM: Software Change Manager |
- Display information about an element, system, type, and processor.
- Retrieve elements with and without a sign out.
- Add and update elements to compile and link a program.
- Move, delete, sign in, and print elements.
- Create and cast a package.
- Proper use of the CCID and how to use reporting features and analysis
tools for examining the dependencies of an element, reviewing the updates that
have been made, and determining who is working on which projects.
- The limitations associated with the major Type/Processor.
- Commands and coding for adding an element, retrieving an element, casting the element, and reviewing approvals.
- Proper checking of processor output to ensure correct type operation.
- Execute multiple ADD/UPDATES in a single request.
CA-InterTest Batch
- Invoke and customize InterTest Batch.
- Set single stepping conditional and unconditional breakpoints.
- Display program storage data items.
- Trace the logic of a segment within a program.
- Debug a program with a storage protection error.
- Debug a logic error in a program.
- Debug a basic 0C7 error.
- Debugging guidelines to shorten the debugging process.
- Demonstrate optimal placements of breakpoints and the type of breakpoints that should be used.
- Differences between using an interactive debugger and dump features.
- Identify the important areas of CA-InterTest.
- Test blocks of code.
CICS Transaction Server: Debugging with CA-InterTest |
- Review the main menu.
- Set simple breakpoints.
- Set conditional breakpoints.
- Display and modify working storage.
- InterTest exception handling and error messages.
- Display the content of a VSAM dataset.
- Display the content of a CICS control block.
- Display the content of a Db2 table.
- Verify that test data is adequate and program paths have been tested prior to implementing changes in production.
- CICS TS InterTest debugging techniques to single step through code in conjunction with conditional breakpoints and the reverse trace.
- How to use the CICS Transaction Server channel and container for passing large amounts of data and viewing and monitoring with CA-InterTest.
- Identify common problems: i- The number of times that each verb has been executed. ii- When and where a period incorrectly specifies program logic and is in the wrong place.
iii- Locating code that has never been executed and therefore never tested.
CA-Panvalet |
- Create a new member, update the member, and re-sequence the member.
- Update a member, display the member’s level number, copy an existing member, rename an existing member, and write select lines.
- Create and develop the JCL required to run Panvalet (PAN#1). | A single PDS member will be copied into a library and all PDS members will be copied to and from that library.
- Use the Panvalet ISPF option to browse and modify a single member in the library.
- Use the utilities available under ISPF to select members for copying between a PDS and Panvalet library.
- How to control access for individual programs, provide protection for members in production status, and work with automatic continuance of modification level numbers.
- Backup features of Panvalet applied to application programs.
- Use the Panvalet versioning features.
- Code the Panvalet batch JCL.
- Identify issues associated with storing JCL.
- Utilize the change history.
- Generate and understand the analysis reports.
- New features of the online PVISPF.
Compuware Software - Training by SYS-ED |
Performance and Workshop Objectives |
Best Practices and Guidelines |
- Compuware |
- Debug a simple 0C7 program.
- Debug a complex 0C7.
- Debug a program that calls a subroutine.
- Debug a program that invokes a 0C4.
- Debug a program with an I/O error.
- Interpret the detail and summary information available through Abend-AID; then use the information to perform problem resolution.
- Address the causes of errors by customizing the text of a statement and the content of its related fields.
- Locate TGT and follow the Base Locator Working-storage address to data items in WORKING-STORAGE.
- Determine values in the file buffers using the Base Locator for Files.
- Trace the register save areas.
File-AID for Analysts
- Compuware |
- Browse a dataset using formatted and unformatted selection criteria.
- Browse and edit data in formatted, character, and vertical formatted mode.
- Use the new primary commands in File-AID.
- Display the attributes of a dataset.
- Allocate and edit a new dataset.
- Copy a dataset, PDS, and selected record from the dataset.
- Browse and edit a VSAM dataset.
- Location of COPYLIBs.
- Use the monitoring tools to maximize the information.
- Choose between the EDIT and BROWSE mode.
- Code complex conditions for record selections.
- Guidelines for allocating a new dataset.
- Determine which SMS classes to use on datasets.
- Review the attributes of a VSAM dataset.
File-AID: Batch
- Compuware |
- Execute File-AID Batch to print, list, and dump a dataset.
- Copy an entire dataset.
- Copy an extract of a dataset.
- Backup a PDS.
- Accumulate a total.
- Tally an extract of a dataset.
- Code complex extraction criteria.
- Print a formatted listing.
- Use sophisticated copy and selection techniques.
- Create multiple extracts from a single master file.
- Read and process variable length records.
- Process select members in one or more PDSs.
- Retrieve and list directory information.
- Recognize the differences between the File-AID extraction and SORT extraction.
File-AID: Db2
- Compuware |
- Configure the File-AID Db2 environment.
- Browse and edit a Db2 table.
- Generate SQL to browse a table.
- Create Db2 objects using File-AID Db2.
- Perform an analysis on multiple SQL statements.
- Perform an analysis on a Plan.
- Copy one table into another using a selection criteria.
- Unload and load a Db2 table.
- Browse and edit two related or unrelated tables.
- Create objects based upon installation standards and generate DDL for existing objects.
- Generate DDL SQL from a Db2 object.
- Generate extraction and sort criteria SQL.
- Use File-AID Db2 to perform complex searches of table(s)
- Efficiently process IBM Db2 utilities with File-AID Db2.
- Compuware |
- Retrieve data from an IMS database.
- Randomly access data.
- Update a record.
- Delete a group of records.
- How to use a before-and-after view which displays the content of individual fields in each changed segment.
- Use of IMS-tailored commands for increased precision and flexibility.
- How a parent segment and its children can be copied or repositioned in the database using either a specific COBOL-formatted key or a command such as PARENT, CHILD, or TWIN.
File-AID/RDX (DB2) - Compuware |
- Extract data from a Db2 table.
- Load data into a Db2 table.
- Handle exception processing.
- Extract data from an Image Copy.
- How the objects relate to a specific driving object.
- Generate and execute an extract from a single screen.
- Extract related Db2 data from the most recent full Image Copy.
- Generate sample data from scratch or from some other source.
- Choose from previously executed saved extract requests; execution can be performed directly from the list.
- Compuware |
- Customizing the File-AID environment.
- Use the BROWSE capabilities in File-AID.
- Use the EDIT capabilities in File-AID. | Execute a number of EDIT Primary commands.
- Allocate a new PDS. | Use the utilities to copy a dataset. Allocate a new VSAM dataset. | Use the foreground and batch options.
- Allocate a new XREF dataset. | Setup a XREF dataset.
- Write and execute File-AID batch.
- Address concurrency issues when editing a VSAM dataset while it is being used by CICS or other batch programs.
- Convert and transfer data between multiple platforms: mainframe, UNIX, and MS Windows.
- Proper use of COPYBOOKs.
- Proper validation of test results using File-AID/MVS full-featured data, source code, and JCL compare.
- For all occurrences, use selection criteria support for ODO (COBOL) within an ODO.
- Add a parameter of ANY, EVERY, and ALL to the ARRAY and OCCURS primary commands; this improves the display and criteria specification of ODOs.
- Compuware |
- Compile and run a program under Xpediter.
- Compile, run, and debug a program under Xpediter.
- Compile, run, and debug a program that invokes another procedure under Xpediter. | Debug the calling and the called program.
- Record, code, and execute a script. | Code and run Xpediter Batch.
- Use existing batch JCL for performing a foreground allocation of datasets in order to debug programs interactively.
- Problem resolution and customization of the TSO Xpediter SETUP procedure.
- Guidelines for debugging logic errors.
- How to use Xpediter/TSO to allocate all necessary files from existing JCL.
- Techniques for altering program logic, trapping, and recovery from program errors.
- Purpose and use of the Xpediter/TSO Batch Connect facility.
- How to use the log and a script file to review test session activity for confirming program execution paths, data values, environment information, and abend codes.
- Compuware |
- Debug a simple 0C7.
- Debug a program with a logic error.
- Display variables during execution.
- Set a simple breakpoint.
- Set a complex break point.
- Display CICS control information.
- Display program linkage information.
- Program preparation to debug and test CICS applications efficiently under Xpediter.
- Use techniques for debugging CICS programs; this includes viewing and testing data in VSAM and Db2 tables.
- View the content of a file and TS queue.
- Debug errors which involve uninitialized or improper pointers.
IBM Software - Training by SYS-ED |
Performance and Workshop Objectives |
Best Practices and Guidelines |
File Manager
- IBM |
- View a dataset.
- Create and edit a template.
- Execute File Manager batch utilities.
- Perform VSAM creation and maintenance.
- Limit the effects of edit changes.
- Manipulate data using COBOL and PL/1 record layouts interactively or in batch.
- Run functions from a CICS environment.
- Use File Manager to access CICS resources with a user-friendly ISPF look-alike interface.
- Customize the fields in order to efficiently display, copy, print, find, copy, edit, print, compare and data.
- Use File Manager utilities for editing, browsing, printing, copying, and maintaining Db2 data.
Debug Tool
- IBM |
- Debug a program in full screen mode.
- Prepare a program for debugging.
- Setup a Db2 and Db2 Stored Procedure environment.
- Create a setup file.
- Copy information into a setup file from JCL.
- Use the TEST run-time option.
- Debug a CICS program.
- Debugging of mixed-language applications in the same session.
- Count the number of times a statement or verb has been processed for debugging logic, checking performance issues, and looking for dead code.
- Set multiple conditional and unconditional breakpoints and use step mode debugging.
- Explicit debug mode is supported. The user identifies the compile units to debug, then Debug Tool loads debug data only for those compile units.
- AT CHANGE and AT LABEL breakpoints allows for limiting the scope of the breakpoint to a specific compile unit.
Fault Analyzer |
- Set dump suppression options.
- Control the real-time analysis with options.
- Understand the real-time analysis report.
- Use the Fault Entry ISPF interface.
- Perform batch and interactive reanalysis.
- Debug a program with Fault Analyzer.
- Analyze CICS application and system failures.
- Analyze WebSphere Application Server for z/OS system failures.
- Analyze IBM MQ application failures.
- Analyze Db2 application failures.
Data Set Commander (Formerly ISPF Productivity Tool/(Spiffy) - IBM |
- Configure the ISPF environment.
- Display an OLIST.
- Set the display options.
- Use the VSAM Edit, Browse, and View.
- Use the extended search facility.
- Functions provided by ISPF for standard datasets to other objects, including VSAM: Virtual Storage Access Method files, IBM z/OS UNIX System Services files, PC files, and IBM Db2 tables.
- An OLIST can appear and function like a DSLIST; an OLIST can contain references to a variety of object classes in the same list and be edited, viewed, or browsed using a single command from a single screen.
- Use a set of command shortcuts which can be entered from a panel.
- Utilize the History command list area; the cut-and-paste allows for up to 200 separate clipboards.
CICS Transaction Server: SDF-II |
- Define a panel format.
- Use the EDIT FIELD command.
- Define fields, attributes, and data structure.
- Modify the AIDS table.
- Print, import, and convert panels.
- Construct a panel from pre existing components.
- Review the generated BMS macros.
- Upload macros to CICS.
- Define the main components of a panel; this includes its format and data structure.
- Use the panel group editor to define objects required by IBM CICS BMS, and IMS MFS.
- Map operator actions to values; which then is returned to the application.
- Generate CICS BMS macros and application data structures, IMS MFS utility control statements, application data structures and ISPF panels, and data structures.
- Import maps, map sets, and partition sets defined with CICS BMS macros into an SDF-supported library.
Syncsort Software
- Training by SYS-ED |
Performance and Workshop Objectives |
Best Practices and Guidelines |
Syncsort |
- Sort using a simple criteria.
- Sort using a complex criteria.
- Perform an extract of a dataset.
- Accumulate a numeric field in the data.
- Extract data based on conditional requirements.
- Print a simple data report with titles and subtitles.
- Extract multiple subsets of an existing dataset.
- Sort concatenated datasets into a single dataset.
- Include records from the input during processing and reformat the input records.
- Reformat output records.
- Create hash totals on a specific numeric data item.
- Generate sample data.
- Produce basic reports with titles and sub titles.
Serena Software
- Training by SYS-ED |
Performance and Workshop Objectives |
Best Practices and Guidelines |
- Create a new package.
- Update the package.
- Compile and link source code.
- Process a copybook.
- Query the packages.
- Edit and maintain source code.
- The significance and role of events in ChangeMan packages, stages, and, components.
- Use the staging environment to initiate the transitioning, testing, and editing of the work libraries.
- Use the baseline environment as a copy of the current production libraries being managed by ChangeMan.
- Identify the names and role of the datasets used by ChangeMan.