Information Technology Training for the Public Sector |
SYS-ED has been providing information technology training for the public sector since the 1980's. We are in the final stages of preparing our GSA Schedule for evaluation.
Enrollment | Contact You |
Shapiro - USDA Graduate School | Silverberg - USDA Graduate School |
Courses Delivered through the USDA Graduate School | IT Training Experience: Public Sector |
Courses Delivered through the USDA Graduate School: 2001- 2008
Courses conducted through the USDA Graduate School also can be reviewed by industry standard categorization:
Application Development | Client/Server |
DB2 | Mainframe |
MS Operating Systems, Networks, and BackOffice | Oracle Database Development Platform |
UNIX and Linux | Web Development and Internet Programming |
IT Training Experience: Public Sector
SYS-ED has provided information technology training for these organizations in the public sector.
Federal Government
State Level
Quasi Government
New York State
New York City