UNIX and Linux: Optimization and Troubleshooting



Cloud Computing

Computer Education Techniques and CETi Technology Partners

The CETi course search engine reflects an independent aggregation and evaluation of proprietary software and open source software websites and information technology training subject matter, course offerings, and training services.


DURATION: 4 days

FEE: $2,380
Call for group fee.


  • Network Administrator
  • Support Personnel
  • Security Analyst
  • IT Professional


  • UNIX and Linux systems
  • Structured approach to troubleshooting
  • Mixed-vendor systems
  • Operating system faults - rectifying
  • Common faults
  • Analyzing fault symptom
  • Problem resolution - analysis tools
  • Kernel failure - recovering from
  • Catastrophic failures - differentiating between
  • Kernel investigation tools
  • Performance optimization - structured approach
  • Performance evaluation
  • Storage subsystem performance
  • Network problems - correcting
  • Tracking processor efficiency
  • Memory usage - monitoring
  • Video performance
  • Bus interconnect bottlenecks - avoiding
  • HA: high availability solutions - deploying
  • HA architectural models
  • Targeted HA solutions - designing
  • Clustered solution - building
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Effective February 27, 2012, the course dates listed on CETi and technology partner websites only will be available based upon approved and authorized user ID.

The course material and training aids utilized in Computer Education Techniques web-based and instructor-led courses are from multiple sources: courseware generated by staff members, licensed materials, textbooks, source vendor documentation, and open education resources.

Not all courses are available for delivery in a distance-learning medium.

Certain courses only should be taught by the source software company training company and open source purveyor.


Copyright Acknowledgement: The software product(s) listed in this course search engine are owned and copyrighted by their respective companies. CETi makes no representation regarding ownership in any of the software products that we train on.

Computer Education Techniques and its technology partner courses are not intended for or available to the general public. They are for employees from Fortune 1000 companies, government municipalities, consulting companies, healthcare providers, and mid-sized businesses. Individuals attending such courses will be required to execute a statement acknowledging that the employer will be paying for them to attend a course and has a licensed version of the software.